You may be struggling in your relationships and feeling more lonely and disconnected then when you were alone. When we are in relationships where “emotional attunement” is not present all the places where we have been wounded seem to come up and are “trigggers”.. Yes, it is painful but please know it is also a great opportunity to heal the wounds of the past that now are festering and running your life. You may not know what it feels like to be seen, noticed, heard and known and we all long for that You can feel “something is missing”. as . feeling even more deeply alone is extremely familiar in your relationships.. “Emotional attunement’ is the healing balm for attachment wounds. People pleasing will no longer fuel your relationships when “emotional attunement” takes front seat and you begin your journey of healing from the inside out!!
When we are emotionally neglected as children our nervous system does the best it can to go into survival mode in an atttempt to protect us ... Since we are completely dependent and vulnerable and unable to “fight or flee” so we go into“freeze” response where we are numb and emotionally shut down in an attempt to not feel our fear and our pain. When no one hears or listens to our “cry” we lose hope as our emotional needs are not noticed or given attention and we feel like we do not exist..Over time our “little child” part gets more frozen and “stuck” and has difficulty moving forward and begins to internalize the emotional neglect and we as adults then begin to neglect ourselves emotionally and due to lack of hope and feelings of helplessness develop a pattern of procrastination and the root is “childhood emotional neglect”.
When we were the most vulnerable and dependent and “emotionally needy(”as we all have been as children )it can feel like a cry deep in our soul when no one hears or seems to care about us. Our mind, will and emotions are what define our soul. For many of us who have been “ traumatically wounded” in childhood: the message we received was that we will not have our emotional reality nurtured or have anyone who can help us to process our emotions in a” healthy” way. You may be becoming more and more aware and of the consequences that are affecting your self-esteem and your relationships as the“little boy or girl part” got stuck in a pattern of “emotional neediness” that needs to be healed so you can move on with hope and start to. understand what is going on inside of you emotionally physically: and spiritually. You may have stuffed your emotions and are now becoming more aware of the consequences related to your childhood trauma.
If you are in a tumultuous, volatile and unstable relationship where you have made “peace with powerlessness” and your self-esteem is plummeting. yet, you are “stuck” and feel unable to move.: This is a counterfeit of the love you seek and is a “Trauma Bond”.. Those who have been traumatized during childhood frequently seek out what feels “familiar” in an attempt to heal even though “familiar” is what has been toxic. There is a clear imbalance of power in “Trauma Bonded” relationships as the glue holding the relationship together is fueled by early childhood wounds that are often unconscious. .You may feel that you cannot leave this relationship in the same way drug addicts struggle to begin to detox and recover from a drug that is “killing”. them. But hold on as there is hope for you to get set free!
A painful breakup truly is “Relational Trauma” .You feel overwhelmed with so many conflicting emotions and they may change minute to minute or day to day. Important to remember that healing is a process and you are “going through the fire and coming out gold”. It is essential as you grieve that you also increase your level of self-care and that includes slowing down so you can give yourself the attention you so desperately need as you go through this very painful season of your life. Important not to make any important decisions during this time or to start a “new” relationship in an attempt to not feel your pain. This would not be wise as you need time to rest and recover so that you can learn whatever is needed for you to learn about yourself and your “true” value and that your wounds of the past do not control your future…this will take time and patience so that those wounds can heal and not run your life
To have a healthy relationship it is essential to have empathy. If you were raised in a family where your feelings were neglected or criticized, or shamed then it becomes difficult to have empathy for others.. To keep our hearts open it is necessary to have self-compassion. As without self-compassion as a foundation for empathy, there is a disconnection from self and others. Lack of empathy in relationships is the fuel for disconnection. To truly “show up” it is important to be able to see and hear past the words and behavior but with a capacity to feel and understand what the other is experiencing.
Enmeshed relationships are relationships that are overly close and lack boundaries and fueled by manipulation and control.:one person is there to satisfy the needs of the other and the other person’s needs are completely ignored .... The relationship is also fueled by inappropriate guilt and forced obligataion. Helicopter parenting often is the precursor of enmeshment and is directly correlated with anxiety and depression in chiildren and as they grow into adulthood.Helicopter parents who overly supervise and are mainly concerned about behavior and not the emotional needs of their child. often are planting the seeds of enmeshment to harvest.. Enmeshed relationships during childhood do not allow for healthy developmental progress to take place and children are set up for developmental trauma as an effect .Often this dysfunctional pattern which started in childhood is repeated in adult relationships as it is familiar and what is familiar is what the brain repeats until we lern new and healthier ways to relate to ourselves and others.
Has work addiction become your drug of choice? It is an addiction that is nurtured by the culture and often celebrated as a “part of success”. However, the truth is that work addiction like any other addiction is fueled and rooted in unresolved trauma. and is progressive and terminal when not addressed. You may have not noticed the toxic effects of work addiction until the effects begin to control your life and mind,spirit, body. Like any drug addict when you are taking the drug you feel good but then over time you need more and more to get that same feeling and the consequences become more and more clear.Work addiction effects every area of your life and relationships require for you to show up and truly be present. This has been one of the greatest challenges for so many of my “highly successful” work-addicted clients and has motivated them to seek therapy .
One of the most essential areas for you to not neglect yourself in: is giving attention to your emotional and mental health….in other words giving attention to your unhealed trauma wounds. You may not even be fully conscious that you have developed a pattern of “neglecting yourself” as you very likely are taking care of the “outside” and yet neglecting what is going on inside of you. We live from the inside out so when you neglect your inner world there are many consequences both inside and out..Our mind and our bodies work together and there are physical symptoms when emotions and memories get stuck in our bodies. The wonderful thing is that you can now choose to walk through an open door so you can heal and no longer avoid and move forward!
You have probably noticed by now that every place where you are not healed shows up in your relationships. So every place where you are wounded can become even more“up front and personal” when you become a parent. There are no perfect parents or perfect children but even if you were not securely attached and have issues related to that: you can still learn how to raise your child to be securely attached. During this process, there can be a parallel process of healing that takes place for you as well! So hold on and be encouraged as help is on the way so you can give a life-affirming relationship foundation to your child and both of you will be blessed!