There have been so many losses on so many different levels during this pandemic that so many are walking around with a broken heart. You may be trying to cope the best way you can and are depressed and so broken hearted that day to day life has become very difficult, You may be dealing with a recent loss(caused by tragedy, illness or a breakup) or maybe you have never addressed your losses and past deep wounds and disappointments and now everything is coming to the surface….and though this does not feel good or comfortable but painful it affords you an opportunity in this season to begin to stretch past your comfort zones : so now you can start to mend and not have to live a life where your relationship with yourself and others is continually fueled by your pain.


You may be contemplating a divorce or going through a divorce and may also have custody and financial issues that feel overwhelming and you are feeling so broken hearted as you never thought this could ever happen in this way. .The storms of life have hit you hard and I believe you are “going through the fire and coming out gold”!



When we have a physical ailment then it is usually more clear to see and feel that you may need help and healing in this area to take place but with a broken heart it may take even more time for you to become aware and to not deny but address what your are feeling. As with time you can become more aware of how deeply hurt you are and have been. And then begin to not neglect yourself but to courageously allow yourself to feel your feelings. So important that you have the understanding that healing is a process and giving yourself permission without judging yourself to go through this process will help you to develop patience as patience is an essential part of your heart starting to mend. See “4 Steps in The Healing Process Of Grief and Loss and The Role Of Giving Yourself Time”



In order for your broken heart to begin mending please know that you will have a part in this as the choices that you make can aid in your healing or hinder you. You may not be accustomed to giving yourself the attention as to what is going on inside of you and you may feel “frozen or numb” or maybe overwhelmed with “anger” but sadness is at the root. And you may be trying to cope by drugs. alcohol, or looking for new relationships. This is an opportunity for you to “notice you” and what helps to soothe you “without harming you” as a consequence. You can now start to break negative thought patterns and choices. You need “healthy food” symbolically and probably literally as well so the people you choose to have around you as well as what you feed your mind and spirit can make a great difference. May you start to choose what nourishes you and take time to be still and quiet as you connect with yourself and allow God to touch you... see “Three Ways To Nurture Yourself When Feeling Lonely and Depressed”



I see my clients in my home/office and my Shih Tzu Mercy and my two beautiful black feline boys Faithful and Joy truly change the atmosphere. I have seen smiles and heard laughter from those who came in not feeling much like smiling or laughing. These little ones can touch even the hardest and most broken heart. So many of my clients have now adopted pets as they began to open their hearts to love once again. If you are depressed and you have a dog you will be encouraged to get more exercise and you will be less isolated as people will interact with you more. If you are feeling lonely and need “safe” touch they will provide just that for you. I encourage you to make a pet or pets part of your life and you will reap many benefits physically, spiritually, and emotionally! During this pandemic is a great time to take that step as you are very likely at home more and can really bond with your new best friend!


Therapy with the “right therapist” can help you to go through the storms of life and learn so much about yourself. Therapy can begin to teach you how to nurture and love yourself and not be lead by living a life “just by feelings” It is my hope that when we work collaboratively that you will start to understand yourself more deeply and that you will begin to have a “healthy and loving heart” as well as a “wise heart”. If you are ready to take the amazing and courageous step toward HELP HOPE AND HEALING and would like to know more about depression therapy then please give me a call!