Do you feel like you are just pedaling in place and not moving forward?
Has making decisions and following through become extremely difficult for you?
Do you keep avoiding and denying what you really do know you need to address?
Do you “beat yourself up” and “ruminate” and feel “stuck” in a holding pattern?
Do you believe that who you are and what you do needs to be “perfect”?
Are you struggling to identify what is going on inside of you and what you need to feel better and get “unstuck”?
Are you neglecting yourself: physically, emotionally, spiritually as everything feels like it is just “too much”?
Procrastination is a form of avoidance and avoidance is one of the main roots of depression. The chicken or the egg question is up for grabs here: as does depression cause procrastination or does procrastination cause depression? In any event procrastination and depression are frequently experienced together and can add to feelings of hopelessness and unworthiness.
You may be so entrenched in a pattern of “ avoiding” and have not been conscious or aware that you have developed a pattern of procrastination which is directly related to your underlying depression. One of the consequences of procrastination is feeling like you are in a perpetual “holding pattern” and then worrying and ruminating about all that you need to do or address but feel “ unable to move forward
. This “stuck” place can show up in some or many areas of your life for example: you may be late for appointments, not keep your word to others or yourself, put off addressing conflicts, not exercising or eating healthy, surrounding yourself with distractions, wanting to end a relationship but not taking any steps towards this, difficulties to begin the process of cleaning your apt or finding a new apt. or change jobs, wanting to have more connected friendships but avoiding opportunities to see or meet new friends
.. I am sure you already can see how this is feeding your depression. You may have thought about beginning therapy for a long time and not followed through. This has now become another important choice that you continually put on hold rather than giving yourself the time and attention you need so you can begin to heal!
This “lie from the pit” can really keep you stuck if you believe that it is true. None of us are perfect and nothing we do or say needs to be so or can be perfect. The truth is no one wants to be loved and accepted because they are perfect: as we humans want to be loved and accepted with all our wounds and imperfections. But first you need to address the underlying shame that blocks you from being kind and compassionate to yourself and challenge the lie that you continually “need to perform” rather than the truth that you continually “need to be” as you are a “HUMAN BEING NOT A HUMAN DOING”.
Your striving and belief that you need to be perfect in all situations is directly related to your depression and procrastination. When you believe(whether consciously or unconsciously) that you need to be perfect what goes with that is the feeling that: ”I am never good enough’ which very likely began in your early childhood and has continued until now and the root of that is:” shame”.
Over the years I have worked with and continue to work with so many women that have gone through depression and delayed getting the help and hope they so clearly needed .for way too long and thus prolonged their suffering. I also have seen these same courageous woman confront what has been holding them hostage and no longer have to live a life colored by depression . If you are struggling with depression and feel stuck and overwhelmed, alone and helpless and are tired of feeling the way you do :Please give me a call if you would like to know more about Depression Therapy as would love to be able to walk along side of you and see you come out of darkness and go forward fully alive and with hope! Please give me a call and I look forward to being able to help you become all you can be!