1. Becoming Aware Of  How You Are Talking To Yourself 


Over the years have worked with so many people that have been severely depressed and one of the things they all have in common is how each one had developed a pattern of  self defeating/shame based self talk which fueled their depression on an ongoing basis. The other thing that has stood out to me is that so many waited so long before they were able to receive help and get relief from deep suffering and pain of depression This self neglect also was feeding their depression. So important for you to notice what you are believing and saying to yourself and about yourself so that you can begin to change your tone and your thoughts and feelings as these 'lies" you believe are blocking your healing and feeding your depression,


I know that can sound much easier said than done and if you were raised by negative/depressed parents and now are continuing to surround yourself with negative/depressed people it is time to assess your "familiar" but not healthy choices. You may be so accustomed  to expecting and magnifying the possible negative outcomes in your life and  that you never even consider how your belief system is a set up for negativity and how changing your belief system and reinterpreting can open the door to life and hope as "as a person thinks so he/she is". Catastrophizing is based on fear and often directly correlated with depression. So you may think of yourself as "always been negative" or "always been quiet" but have not understood that you have had  an underlying struggle with depression that has not been acknowledged and neglected over time.

3. Say Goodbye to Your Rigid Patterns Of Thinking and Behavior: HELLO FLEXIBILITY 


Just like it is so important for us to keep our bodies flexible it is is also essential to be aware of  areas in your mind, heart and spirit where you became "stuck' and immovable.  This inflexibility is the cause of rigid ways of thinking and being that you may  have been accepting and walking with for many years and it is a very stuck dark place as no light or movement can get in there as long as this rigid tapestry continues. So now it is time to look more deeply inside and see how this lack of flexibility has not allowed doors of hope and healing to take place but instead has caused more pain and disconnection from yourself and others.

Therapy with the right therapist can be life-changing for those who feel depressed, hopeless and stuck in rigid self defeating patterns such as lack of self-care, unhealthy relationship choices, addictions, and being circumstance dependent. The therapeutic relationship can provide the safe place and space that is critically needed for your healing to start to take place...if what I am saying resonates with you then please give me a call so that you can begin this amazing courageous life-producing journey: truly going from darkness to the ligh.