

When you were a little girl you were most vulnerable and had an “open heart” as you just wanted and needed to be loved and nurtured(you were totally dependent on your caregivers for your survival) but when a daughter is “rejected” and wounded by her father during childhood than a “wound of rejection” begins to be sown in the tapestry of her soul/spirit and is reflected in her life and how she views and experiences and feels about herself and about others(particularly her view of men) As when we are abused as daughters by our fathers we were not able to flee and not able to fight as our very survival was in his hands and deep feelings of “fear” and “helplessness” and “shame”(as all of your anger was internalized and going toward you) were planted. You were clearly given the message that you were not safe “to be you” and now have shut down parts of yourself and those parts have become “frozen” in an attempt for you to survive as a “little hostage” who has been traumatized. You may now notice a pattern of how you are “rejecting yourself” as a part of you has become a “harsh inner critic” and you are having difficulty “asserting yourself” and “trusting your thoughts, feelings and perceptions about yourself and those close to you as well as it is difficult for you to give and receive love as if you are completely honest: you are having difficulties trusting anyone. This can be extremely difficult if you are now a mother and struggling to truly connect with your own children but not able to because you never had a “secure attachment”. You were setup by those you trusted to “expect rejection” and now may surround yourself with those “who reject you” and “abuse you” rather than “celebrate you” as “toxicity” is so familiar to you and has become normalized in your mind.. Your “fear of rejection” has kept you in a role where you are “eating crumbs”( in many areas of your life) and have convinced yourself to believe that “it is a cake” . … but it is “crumbs”. Your choices and decisions are now all colored by your fear of rejection as the “little girl” part of you is traumatized and running your life(see “Ways TO Stop The Fear Of Rejection From Running Your Life”) and she needs ‘healing, loving and nurturance”. This can only happen as you become more aware of what is going on inside of you . As you learn to become more kind and compassionate to yourself and understand that healing is a process and to get the help you so need to be able to heal and out of that you will develop courage as well patience and hope to go through the process!



So important to understand that the enemies plan is to steal. kill and destroy as well as deceive us and lie and bring confusion so it is so essential for you to know the “TRUTH” that “you are loved and valuable” and He still has a plan for your life. You may see God as the same as your toxic father and poor choices of men and have great difficulty trusting Him because of all you have been through. Your spiritual healing is not to be neglected anymore than your emotional healing. Am not talking about “religion” but a relationship with the one who made you and loves you and the “safest place is in His will” as yes He uses people in the process of your healing but He is the Healer! May you “hear His voice today and not harden your heart” to His love” as He loves you and wants to heal you everywhere you hurt!



Therapy with a therapist that truly understands the journey of a daughter who was abused and traumatized on many levels by a toxic abusive father. A therapist who is skilled and knowledgeable as well as completely present. authentic, open hearted and able to “meet you where you are and help as well as guide you to move forward as you courageously become all you were “meant to be” on this “healing journey of life”.

Please give me a call if what I am saying resonates with you and you would like to know more about trauma therapy….. look forward to hearing from you!