You have choices even when you may feel you do not. We live from the inside out and so what’s going on inside of us is actually much more important than the circumstances we are dealing with. Yes so much is out our control but we can choose to “respond rather than react”.

Our words are “spirit and life” so they have great power over your mood and your approach to yourself, others, and all parts of your life. If you continually speak “fear” and “failure” and believe the “bad report” you are programming your brain to continue to repeat that negative toxic and fearful pattern. However, if you start to be more conscious of your thought life and want to change it then you can stop agreeing with the “bad report” and reprogram your brain. How miraculous that our brains can be reprogrammed to no longer agree with letting fear be your prophet but that neuroplasticity of the brain can help heal you from the inside out. The following keys can make all the difference!


As I said before the words we speak have power as they are “spirit and life”. So are you speaking and believing and prophesying words of life or words of death over yourself and others? Have you ever considered the truth that your tongue can become a tree of life for healing for yourself and others?

The thoughts and feelings that you have are often not what is actually true but can be distortions and lies so you need to discern what is true before you believe it and speak it out of your mouth or quietly to yourself. Speaking Words of life over yourself instead of prophesying words of death and defeat. Words of life are encouraging and can greatly outweigh your walking in despair and gloom and doom.

See:”Speaking The Truth In Love


When we catastrophize we are keeping our nervous system in a constant state of being dysregulated.. constant state of “high threat alert” In other words: you cannot stay calm or peaceful with a dysregulated nervous system that is accustomed to misreading the cues to what really is dangerous and unable to regulate stress in a healthy way. So the first step you need to take is to notice. It is essential that you become aware of how you cope with stress. This pattern of escalating stress levels rather than learning how to manage your stress fuels catastrophizing and fuels depression, anxiety, and reinjury for trauma survivors.. Becoming aware of your breathing and sensations in your body as your muscles can tighten and your heart can beat faster. Expecting a catastrophe keeps you on “high alert for a threat” and gives free rein for fear to prophesy and cause constant distress.

See: “How Negativity Is Stealing Your Life”


Becoming conscious of your breathing and your tone, the speed at which you are speaking can help you to notice your level of intensity. “Lightening up” can sound so simple but can be a challenging concept for those who thrive on “intensity” or actually do not know how to maintain “calmness” Again, becoming self-aware of this pattern and making a conscious effort to '“breathe and to pause” can be very helpful. Before you speak you need to breathe and pause so you can make a choice to be in a calm state so that you are no longer making mountains out of molehills or escalating constantly but reprogramming your nervous system to “lighten up” yes to have some of the detachment and start to live a life that is not on constant '“hight threat alert”. A life where your tongue becomes a tree of life for healing for you and others and you become a light in darkness!


So essential that the therapist you choose is the “right” therapist for yourself so that you no longer make fear your prophet!.I would be honored to walk along this healing journey with you and guide you with wisdom and knowledge and heart through this amazing process! Please give me a call so we can begin!