Do you often feel stressed, overwhelmed, or possibly even panicked? Worse yet, do you sometimes feel as though you have little to no control of these emotions?

Anxiety has a way of being all-encompassing, and it can be extremely debilitating to live with a high level of anxiety. In a sense, your mind becomes like a battlefield when fearful thoughts predominate all others.

Here's the good news: You are not alone! There are absolutely ways to cope with anxiety and fearful thoughts. You can learn to recognize when your emotions are getting out of hand so you can consciously gain back control and find peace.

How? Consider three key ways.

3 Keys to Feeling Less Stressed When Your Emotions Get Out of Control

Key #1: Recognizing the Link Between Anxiety and Overwhelming Emotions

If you've suffered from anxiety long enough, then you may feel as though it's simply an inevitable part of your life. The reality is that anxiety can control your emotions more than you may initially think.

It can cause you to feel nervous in public, sometimes to the point of panic. Anxiety may also make you feel uncomfortable in social situations. Or perhaps you become bogged down by consistent worry about the future.

Yes, all of that is your anxiety talking!

Because anxiety can be all-consuming, you may begin to think that there's nothing you can do about these feelings. That's why it's important to realize that overwhelming emotions are often a result of anxiety—and there are ways to regain control. Anxiety does not have to be a permanent way of life.

Key #2: Understanding the Root Cause of Fearful Thoughts

When fearful thoughts strike, you may not be concerned with understanding why they're happening—you just want them to stop.

As noted at the outset, an anxious mind is like a battlefield, with fearful thoughts and peaceful thoughts constantly at war. Unfortunately, because of anxiety, your fearful thoughts often win.

To stop allowing fearful thoughts to dominate, you have to understand why they're happening in the first place.

Granted, it's not always easy to delve deep into your negative thoughts or past traumas. However, once you do, you may begin to understand the link between trauma and anxiety. And once you know the root cause of your overwhelming thoughts, it's easier to get them under control.

Key #3: Being Kind to Yourself, Especially When Feeling Frightened 


It is so essential, especially at times when you feel afraid to not allow your harsh inner critic to take over but to speak kindly and gently to yourself. Also, so important to be aware of setting boundaries and limits as that will help you to feel more safe and secure. As you begin to consciously understand the roots of your fearful thoughts, they will begin to have less power. 

Working with the Right Therapist Can Help you to Feel Less Overwhelmed

A skilled and compassionate therapist can help you to feel less isolated in your struggle, as well as help you identify the roots to your fearful thoughts and feelings. Giving a voice to your pain is the first step toward healing. Of course, healing will take time, dedication and motivation, as truly the battlefield is in the mind. It is an uphill battle as you learn to be less circumstance dependent and live from the inside out. Give me a call so we can begin your healing journey!