So many of my “highly successful” work-addicted clients were motivated to seek therapy as they were unable to turn off the ‘work switch” in their minds and even on vacation or with a loved one their brains were programmed to focus on work as what we repeat and focus on makes the pathway connections in our brain stronger and stronger.
This is true for addicts and non-addicts. We do become what we think about over time and this gets reflected in our lives: our internal life and relationship with ourselves and our relationships with others I am sure you will agree that as wonderful as those successes in your career or business are you are paying an even greater price then it is worth. As a trauma survivor: addiction is one of the main coping and survival mechanisms that we use but addiction keeps you from seeing and healing the woundedness that you put so much unconscious and possibly conscious effort to avoid. You have learned to survive but in the process, you have avoided “you” the parts of “you” that are hurting and truly need attention.
By avoiding and denying your wounds you are actually blocking and prolonging what you need most which is to give your inner world attention so that you can begin to feel “safe” and start the healing process and become truly alive!
See: ”Childhood Trauma Is The Root Of Addiction”
Any loving and healthy relationship needs time in order to grow and your relationship with yourself and making that a priority can usher in more connection and break the chain of disconnection. You are a human being, not a human doing so even though it will take courage and patience to stay in the moment and be present: it will be worth it. As you start to make time and to spend time with yourself you can begin to notice how you truly feel and what you truly think.
Taking time to notice what is going on inside of you will help you to become more self-aware. It is step one in your healing: reconnecting with yourself. Your true self is not the part of yourself you show the world but noticing the parts of you that were very likely shut down and frozen as a result of childhood trauma and that need to be addressed with care and attention, not shame and criticism. Learning how to reparent yourself would also be an essential part of your healing journey
See “Benefits Of Reparenting Yourself” Learning how to rebalance your work and your inner life with your outer life can make such a difference!
See:” Breaking The Chain Of Work Addiction"
So here we have another essential element that is the same one needed for you to reconnect with yourself and it is making time as you begin to make your relationships a priority. And yes “showing up” physically is not the only important part but truly being able to listen and to hear and speak the truth in love are all part of the connection process with your loved ones. And let’s not forget the importance of encouraging words spoken as well as physical and loving touch and of course eye contact. Learning how to self-regulate your emotions and to address rather than avoid conflict is also part of the connection and healing process.
(See:” How Trauma Effects Your Attachment Style”)
As you gain an understanding of your childhood trauma and begin to heal this will greatly help you to parent in a way that is loving and healthy and connected.
See: ” Speaking The Truth In Love”
I have been honored to have and continue to have many opportunities to help the “work addicted” get set free: to come alive and the chains of work addiction be broken as childhood trauma wounds are given the attention and care they so desperately need! if what I am saying resonates with you please give me a call so we can begin this amazing healing journey from the inside-out!