Therapy That Heals The Wounds Created By
Trauma, Complex Trauma, Relational Trauma


Abuse, Neglect, Abandonment

Have the effects of your traumatic wounds of the past been running your life? Have you been running and hiding from yourself and parts of you have shut down and are in fight-flight-freeze? Now is the time to no longer neglect yourself so you can heal and become fully alive!

Trauma Is The Root Of Addiction

It is essential for the root of trauma to be pulled up so new seeds can be planted and watered. Only then can you begin to flourish in your recovery from porn, sex, drugs, food, codependency.


Childhood Sexual Abuse

Yes, you were betrayed and have internalized those painful wounds of darkness, and shame, for much too long. Now is the time to give that little girl or little boy part of you the attention that you so desperately need from the inside- out so that you can feel “safe” in your own body and begin to heal!

Relational Trauma

Every place that we are not healed gets revealed in our relationships. When we are betrayed by those closest who we trust and love: a deep wounding occurs in our soul that needs attention so that healing can begin.


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